Frequently asked questions

First answers can be found here

I have lost access to my survey.
Enter the email address you used to carry out your survey. If you started an instant survey, your authorization link will be sent to you. If you created an account, you will receive a link to set a new password.
Are there detailed instructions on how to conduct surveys?
Yes, we provide a video tutorial that explains how to use the application in detail. The 38 minutes long video is relatively detailed - therefore it is recommended to jump directly to the parts you are interested in. To watch the video, click here: START VIDEO
Are mobile devices like tablets or smartphones supported?
Yes, you can create and participate in surveys from mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. This allows you to create surveys via your smartphone and invite participants without concerns. The interface is optimized for tablets and smartphones of all types.
Why can't I change my started survey?
When a survey is started, no more changes can be made to the survey. The reason for this is that this procedure could falsify the statistics. Imagine you make changes to a question element of your survey after it has been started and the first participants have already submitted their form. Then some of the survey participants would have perceived and answered the question differently than the other participants. It is therefore important that all survey participants take part in the exact same survey. However, you can duplicate your survey - this takes over all elements and rules of the original survey with the difference that the new duplicate is inactive and has not been started. You can now edit and start your new survey as desired.
Is there advertising on
No. All pages on are completely free of advertising. This means that survey pages are also without advertisements. Advertising for itself is also excluded. To view a sample survey, click here: SAMPLE SURVEY
Is there a transfer of data to third parties?
No. No data is shared with third parties. At the same time, our application does not run on external cloud services, nor is data stored on storage media from external providers, nor do we maintain external data processing facilities - covers the entire spectrum of requirements itself and is therefore your sole point of contact.
How is financed?
The only source of income are premium accounts with costs. You can find out whether a premium account is worthwhile for you HERE
How long are survey data stored on
As long as the survey author allows. If you are the author / creator of a survey, you determine when and if survey data is deleted.
Why is consent not obtained for cookies on
The legislator distinguishes technically necessary cookies from others. This category of cookies guarantees that our application works properly and securely on your end device and therefore does not require any query. Cookies for other purposes (e.g. marketing, tracking, etc.) as well as cookies from third parties are not used on
What about data protection on is subject to the German legal system and thus the German-European data protection regulations. In particular the so-called GDPR. In our privacy policy we disclose our privacy practices and inform you about your rights. In addition, we offer our users a customizable privacy policy for surveys.

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